Playing Bingo with UKash Vouchers
UKash is a prepaid voucher depositing method used by players to deposit at many online gaming & bingo sites and to buy different things. UKash is exceptionally convenient due to the ability to purchase UKash vouchers at over 420,000 outlets around the world that are authorized to sell the UKash vouchers. The UKash system allows the purchase of a voucher in any denomination amount you desire up to 2500GBP. By doing so, it allows you to control your spending online versus the use of direct bank withdrawals or credit cards, which can allow over spending.
There are a number of benefits to using the UKash system when making a deposit at an online bingo site. UKash vouchers save on the cost of prepaid credit card fees, which usually adds several dollars to the cost of prepaid cards. UKash does, however, offers a Prepaid MasterCard that can be used at any location around the world that accepts MasterCard. It may also be used to withdrawal funds at any ATM around the world that accepts MasterCard.
UKash does not require you to register any personal information in order to purchase an UKash voucher. This allows for a high degree of privacy when making online deposits at any online bingo site. Many players prefer this level of privacy due to the potential security risks of depositing using a credit card.
UKash also offers a number of other benefits such as UKash air. This allows for the purchase of airtime on prepaid phones in many countries around the world. This is an excellent option for people when travelling, as they do not need to bring a cell phone. You can simply purchase one in the country they are travelling too.
How to Use UKash
When you purchase a UKash voucher you will received a PIN number that can be used at any online bingo site that offers the UKash service as a depositing option. Upon entering the PIN number, your account will be credited with the amount you deposited instantaneously. Another benefit to the UKash system is there is no requirement that the full amount of a voucher be used at any one site. When making a deposit under the value of your UKash voucher you will be issues a new pin # for the amount left on your original voucher. This amount can then be used later. This allows for greater control of your online spending.
The UKash Payment system is becoming one of the more popular depositing methods for players around the world when depositing at online bingo sites. The ability to purchase without providing detailed information is attractive to many. When factored in the ability to manage deposits and spending, UKash quickly becomes an attractive service. They have been in business since 2001 and are regulated by the United Kingdom’s Financial Services Authority.

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