Isle of Man Gambling Licence
The Isle Of Man Gambling Supervision Commission was established in 1962. The main objective of the Commission is to ensure that the industry is free of any criminal element, to protect underage gambling and those who are at risk gamblers, to ensure that the services provided by the licence holders are secure, operate in a fair manner and that players will be paid accurate winnings. The Treasury is made up of a Director, Policy Officer, Operational Manager, 4 Gaming Inspectors, and 2 Secretaries. The commission provides more than 60 years of combined experience in all aspects of gambling, including online gaming.
The GSC oversees all aspects of gambling including both live and online gambling. The largest sector of control within the commission has now switched to online gambling. The Gambling Supervision Commission operates under the Department of Trade and Industry. The commission is committed to providing a regulatory environment geared towards offering preferable business benefits. They offer an excellent environment and support services for the online gambling industry.
In 2001, the Gambling Commission shifted its focus to online gaming with the additional to cover online gambling with the act in 2001. This side of the commission got off to a rocky start in 2005 the act was overhauled to provide for a fair playing field for licensees. The restructuring was primarily with respect to the fees associated with the licence that licence holders were responsible to pay. The removal of income tax to online operators was added to the act so long as those operators did not provide gaming services to residents on the Isle of Man. Additional changes have been made in relation to advertising, the verification of all gaming systems, disaster recovery and the fees associated with the licence.

The Gambling Commission has excelled in the area of player protection and gambling addiction. All deposits made with a licensee are secure, segregated, and protected to ensure proper financials are in place to cover all payouts to players. Bingo sites must also ensure the software is routinely tested to ensure randomness and fairness. This must be conducted by an outside agency that is certified to do so such as a registered accounting firm. Operators must also ensure no funds are being diverted to any terrorist organization or for the use of criminal activities. In order to obtain a licence with The Isle of Man Gambling Commission applicants must complete a detailed application process.
This application includes details pertaining to the company, the individuals operating the company, personal information regarding those individuals, background checks. Additional measures are taken to ensure those who receive a licence have no criminal history of any kind and that the business applying for the application is a legitimate business in good standing. The commission requires all of this information be maintained and updated whenever any changes are made.
In order to maintain a licence in good standing operators must adhere to all rules and regulations as outlines under the gambling act of the commission. The commission retains the right to the regulation, supervision, and control of all gambling licensees. This licence is what provides an online bingos site ability to provide legal operation. The commission regularly reviews each licensees licence and its operations to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the said licensee. By doing so, the commission is ensuring players are safe to play at those under licence with the commission and that the financials are being properly maintained to ensure player payouts can be met. The bingo sites that do not have a licence by a regulated authority offer no protection to players. Players wanting to ensure they are playing with a trusted online bingo hall should look and verify its licence. This will be found on the home page of most sites, as the commission requires its licensees to publish it.
The commission provides for additional player protection by providing a provision to address player’s complaints again those who hold a licence. Those wishing to file a complaint again a licence holder may go to the commission website and fill out a complaint form. All complaints are fully investigated in a prompt and unbiased manner. The commission also ensures its licensees provide links to various problem gambling sites or gambling addiction agencies. It further provides free counselling services to players who feel the need to control their gambling who reside on the Isle of Man.
We give the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission an “A” because they have laws and measures in place that truly keeps the player’s best interest in mind. They hold bingo sites to strict standards and the player funds are kept segregated.
Official Website: Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission

GSC Bingo Sites